Energy Toolbase Integrates its Controls Software with BYD's Energy Storage Solution
Energy Toolbase has integrated its energy storage controls software with BYD (Build Your Dreams), a leader in battery and energy storage technology. As part of the integration, Energy Toolbase will add BYD to its sales and modeling platform, enabling renewable energy developers to seamlessly analyze and propose the economics of BYD energy storage projects, either standalone or paired with solar photovoltaic systems.
BYD's integrated energy storage solutions feature Lithium-ion Iron-Phosphate battery technology, paired with a bidirectional power conversion system (PCS), packaged into a modular system design for easy transportation, installation, and maintenance. The BYD products that Energy Toolbase is integrating its control software with, include BYD's CHESS and BHIVE product lineup, which come in both 2 and 4-hour configurations.
Energy Toolbase's controls software utilizes artificial intelligence and advanced machine learning to optimize battery dispatch for maximum savings. It offers a range of different operating modes for both Behind-the-Meter and Front-of-the-Meter storage applications.
"We're honored for the opportunity to integrate our controls software with BYD, an established global leader in battery and storage technology," said Scott D'Ambrosio, VP of Sales at Energy Toolbase. "We're confident that we'll be deploying many storage projects into the field over the coming years together."
Energy Toolbase's cohesive product offering was designed for developers to take a project from conception, into operation, and through end of life. The sales and modeling platform integration gives users the ability to run energy storage dispatch simulations and savings analysis that are illustrative of how the BYD energy storage system, controlled by the Energy Toolbase controller, would operate in the field.
"This integration gives storage developers a fully-integrated, off-the-shelf hardware and software product solution," said Michael Liu, Director of Energy Storage for BYD. "Our goal is to make the development and deployment process more efficient and maximize value capture for storage projects in their respective market."
Energy Toolbase and BYD will co-host a webinar on Wednesday, November 4 at 2pm EST/2pm PST to overview the functionality of their newly launched integration. Click
here to register.
Source: Energy Toolbase